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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Eisaman, Jean M FW - Engagement Admin Professional $ 46,810.15

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Eisaman, Jean WL - Construction Inspect Operations/Technical
Hester, Patricia WL - 4PTC4BusSrv Clerical
Rempfer, Dietmar WL - Boiler Television Admin/Prof
Paladino, Frank WL - Boiler Television Mgmt/Prof
Nevil, CAL - 1ISS Support
Hubner, Barbara FW - Pep Band Clinical/Research
Adeola, Olayiwola WL - Center Comp Trans Re Student
Lohrman, Shannel WL - 4BOT Service
Jones, Pristina WL - 4DRO Fire/Police BW Sal
Schinckel, Allan WL - Communication Center Faculty
Hamalian, Kathy NC - Quantitative Busines Post Doc Intern Res

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