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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Harris, Jason T WL - Health Sciences Faculty $ 201,574.98

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Harris, Jason WL - 4TeachSucs Mgmt/Prof
Vijaykumar, T WL - Executive Education Student
Chen, Zhihong WL - Earhart Residence Ha Admin/Prof
Padgett, NC - Mechanical Faculty
Shah, Shreyas WL - WL ERHT RA Temporary
Severs, Alan WL - 4MEP Limited Term Lect
Qin, Tiantian WL - MBA Weekend Temporary Cler/Serv
Davis, Taylor WL - MBA Weekend Operations/Technical
Rickerson, WL - Butler Center Fire/Police BW Sal
Smith, Daniel WL - Purdue Memorial Unio Post Doc
Cooks, Robert WL - 4IndusandPhys Service

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