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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Morris, Jared A WL - 4Dean of Stu Admin/Prof $ 39,601.78

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Morris, Jared WL - Communication Faculty
Mbuba, WL - 4RCAC Temporary
McAllister, WL - 4Fire Dept facult
Barnhart, Cheryl WL - Dean of Students Service
Davis, Thomas WL - 4Wind Dining Fire/Police Admin
Casas, Olivia FW - Vice Chancellor for Admin/Prof
Collins, Micheal CAL - Comp Info Tech Post Doc Intern Res
Leeuw, Wilhemina WL - VP for Teaching Non-exempt Prof
Fritch, John WL - 4Bus Ofc PEC Student
Flatt, WL - 4In-House PM Mgmt/Prof
Bekkam, WL - WL SHRV Admin Post doc

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