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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Indrutz, Janice A WL - Board of Trustees Admin/Prof $ 57,680.60

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Indrutz, Janice WL - Woodland Farms Admin/Prof
Flannery, WL - 4PayrollSvcs Faculty
Faulkner, NC - Registrar Service
Slone, Donna WL - WL Owen Housing Mgmt/Prof
Hart, William FW - Office Diversity and M Clerical
Collins, WL - Delphi Dept Limited Term Lect
Beeker, Bryan WL - Engineering Professi Student
Thompson, James CAL - 1LearnTech Continuing Lecturer
Teske, CAL - 1AlumAffairs Temporary
Shoaf, Wl Post doc
Saqui, WL - Military Science Police Hourly

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