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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Whitford, James P WL - 4Eng Ed Admin/Prof $ 81,030.55

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Jankowski, Victoria FW - Ofc of Acad Intern Service
Schwartz, FW - Ofc of Acad Intern Temporary Cler/Serv
Miers, FW - Ofc of Acad Intern Clinical/Research
Lee, Jason FW - Ofc of Acad Intern faculty
Conte, WL - Engineer Prof Educat Clerical
Goin, WL - Agricultural Communi Mgmt/Prof
Seliga, NC - Vice Chancellor Acad Operations/Technical
Coles, David NC - Vice Chancellor Acad Temporary
Lyrintzis, Anastasios NC - Vice Chancellor Acad Limited Term Lect

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