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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Millspaw, Jacob P FW - Physics Continuing Lecturer $ 54,652.35

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Millspaw, Jacob CAL - Information Service Temporary
Duran, Angelica WL - Nimitz Nursery RA M/P Professional
Layden, CAL - 1SpaceMgmt Non Pay
Tang, CAL - Sponsored Programs Clerical
Jonker, Thomas WL - 4Ofc Provost Admin/Prof
Benyousky, Shari WL - Student Orgs Admin Faculty
Bracht, Paul WL - Central Staff Benefi Graduate Student
Barnes, Judith WL - Bioinformatics Core Mgmt/Prof
Tarasova, NC - Valparaiso Academic Operations/Technical
Pettee, FW - 2History Service
Lim, Tongseok WL - Psychological Scienc Student

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