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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Camarillo, Ignacio G WL - Biological Sciences Faculty $ 105,103.71

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Knotts, NC - Developmental Studie Admin/Prof
Love, Sherwin CAL - 1Comm and Crea Student
Clements, Gregory FW - Continuing Studies Professional
Wetli, Jennifer WL - ISS Fees police
Pendleton, Jeanne NC - VC Information Servi Temporary Cler/Serv
Gelvin, Stanton WL - 4Fire Dept Service
Hanna, WL - Hall of Music Temporary A/P
Daugherty, Christy CAL - 1TestSvcCen facult
Ratcliff, WL - Purdue University St Mgmt/Prof

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