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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Yu, Hongtao WL - Computer Science Post Doc Intern Res $ 49,795.38

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Yu, Hongtao NC - Student Athletics Temporary Cler/Serv
Shidler, CAL - 1VCEMSA faculty
Carmony, Veronica FW - Biology Clerical
McClatchey, Andrew WL - 4Grad School Student
Rivero, WL - Building Services Admin/Prof
Poghotanyan, Gayane WL - Machine Shop Rchg Limited Term Lect
Bales, Jerry WL - 4ConsSci Mgmt/Prof
Ade, Katy WL - Agronomy Clinical/Research
Hough, WL - 4PolyLaf Operations/Technical
Slade, Nicholas CAL - Communication and C Graduate Student
Anderson, Theresa FW - 2Theater Service

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