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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Thaung, Hla WL - Building Services - Service $ 25,357.14

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Thaung, Hla CAL - 1Bursar Post Doc
Williams, Hannah WL - 4Comp Grph Limited Term Lect
Scott, Catherine WL - IT State Admin/Prof
Stevenson, Evelyn WL - Aeronautics and Astron Student
Hardesty, Pamela FW - Grounds Temporary A/P
Thomas, FW - Health Clinic Mgmt/Prof
Norris, Meghan WL - Aeronautics and Astron faculty
Reece, Samantha WL - Aeronautics and Astron Fire/Police Mgmt
Garwood, Charles WL - Facilities Operation Clinical/Research
Rutherford, Adam NC - College of Engineeri Clerical
Nicely, Annmarie WL - Operations and Mainten Operations/Technical

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