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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Maconochie, Heloise A FW - School of Education Visiting Faculty $ 27,682.38

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Maconochie, Heloise NC - Managerial Studies Student
Farrar, Deana CAL - Business Managers Service
Hoehn, Ross CAL - Business Managers Faculty
Farmer, Vannessa WL - Engineering Honors Limited Term Lecture
Mason, Sandra WL - WL TARK Housing Admin/Prof
Cardenas, Delilah CAL - 1Inst Eff Operations/Technical
Turedi, Ceren CAL - Business Managers Temporary A/P
Muha, Jennifer WL - Hilltop Apartments Clerical
Terzi, Aslihan WL - Hilltop Apartments Mgmt/Prof
He, Wei CAL - 1Acct/Budget Post Doc
Brahmasrene, Tantatape CAL - Management Visiting Fac/Emeriti

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