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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Nord, Gary M WL - Intercollegiate Athl Admin/Prof $ 281,658.86

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Nord, Gary CAL - 1Comm and Crea Faculty
Hanke, Steven FW - Continuing Studies Admin/Prof
Lumkes, John WL - ISS Fees Student
Brauer, Timothy NC - VC Information Servi Professional
Delaware, Benjamin WL - 4Fire Dept police
Pick, David WL - Hall of Music Temporary Cler/Serv
Smith, Barbara CAL - 1TestSvcCen Service
Cline, Connor WL - Purdue University St Temporary A/P
Bourdeau, Philippe WL - College of Agricultu facult
Pruitt, Robert WL - Botany Mgmt/Prof
Blocki, Jeremiah WL - WL FST RA M/P Management

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