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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Adibu, Florence A WL - International Progra Admin/Prof $ 20,840.85

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Adibu, Florence WL - Business Opportunity Admin/Prof
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Swathwood, David WL - Center for Paralysis M/P Management
Keller, WL - Chemistry Service
Dixon, Jameson WL - 4Comp and IT Student
Seitzhanova, FW - Office Diversity and M facult
Hogan, FW - CRI Mgmt/Prof
DeGracia, Junia CAL - 1Psychology Temporary Cler/Serv
Kuether, WL - Purdue Village Operations/Technical
Murillo, Maria WL - Certificate Program Faculty
Mitol, Michal WL - Libraries Admin Temporary A/P

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