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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Ward, Estavian T WL - Boiler Gold Rush Professional $ 24,837.47

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Ward, Estavian CAL - Graduate School Adm Student
Creek, Megan WL - BIO Nutrition Rechar Service
Dawson, Daniel WL - Undergrad Admissions Limited Term Lecture
Kendall, Mary WL - Ofc of Grad Admissio Fire/Police BW Sal
Snyder, Margie WL - Research Instrumenta Admin/Prof
Boyd, WL - Drug Discovery Admin Temporary
Geisler, Lisa WL - 4Hall Music Fellowship Pre Doc
Versyp, Sharon WL - 4Exploratory facult
Dalder, WL - 4IHD Service Visiting Faculty
Hung, Chen-Lung WL - 4IHD Service Limited Term Lect
Lundin, Steven NC - Electrical Faculty

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