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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Cruz, Esmeralda WL - 4Field Ext Admin/Prof $ 58,746.48

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Cruz, Esmeralda WL - Comptroller faculty
Erickson, WL - Internal Audit Admin/Prof
Brand, Nicholas WL - Office of The Indian Student
Allen, Janet FW - Communication facult
Milas, John WL - 4RCAC Police Hourly
Staiger, Christopher WL - Vice President for H Service
Dyrenfurth, Michael WL - 4ITIS Post Doc
Hampton, Adam WL - Golf Course Maintena Temporary
Hensley, Dylain WL - 4Food Sci Clerical
Wuenschel, Christine WL - Printing Services Mgmt/Prof

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