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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Macgeorge, Erina L WL - Communication Faculty $ 94,178.93

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Macgeorge, Erina WL - History Faculty
Swaminathan, Vishwanathan CAL - Bursar Resident
Carpenter, Daniel WL - Materials Mgmt Mgmt/Prof
Cleveland, William FW - Computer Science Residence Hall Couns
Ashcraft, Michelle WL - Purdue University St Operations/Technical
Mattingly, Andrea CAL - Campus Planning Police Hourly
Dufault, Katherine WL - Purdue Bound Intern
Bruening, William WL - Electrical and Compute Post Doc
Decker, Johnathan WL - Operations and Mainten Management
Simons, Mark WL - Grounds Limited Term Lecture
Lindquist, Benjamin NC - VC Information Servi Clerical

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