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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Haygood, Emily D WL - 4Polytechnic Operations/Technical $ 40,275.49

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Haygood, Emily WL - Environmental and Ecol Temporary
Lee, Chi Hwan WL - SPS Mgmt/Prof
Thomas, WL - Center Comp Trans Re Faculty
Letcher, Mark WL - Convocations and Lec Admin/Prof
Veile, Amanda WL - Engr Techn Intern
Ayers, David FW - Visual Communication Clerical
Forbes, Beth CAL - Nursing Masters Resident
Finke, Linda WL - Treasury facult
Snow, Lowell CAL - Department of Biolo Student
Kenny, Keith FW - DSBMS Student Adv Ce Post doc
Morrow, Mary WL - Civil Engr Post Doc Intern Res

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