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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Curry, Emily S WL - Vet Clinical Science Visiting Faculty $ 94,509.57

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Curry, Emily WL - Libraries Student
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Underwood, James CAL - Central Heating and C Clerical
Quartucci, Gregory CAL - Central Heating and C Operations/Technical
Conde, Maria CAL - Central Heating and C Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Baker, CAL - Central Heating and C Service
Harrison, Jeremy CAL - Central Heating and C Mgmt/Prof
Roberts, Barbara WL - HTM Foodservice Post doc
Love, David NC - Math Stat Continuing Lecturer
Choi, Jiyeon WL - 4Health Sci facult
Dildine, Carolyn WL - WL TARK RA Post Doc Intern Res

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