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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Johnson, E R WL - Hall of Music Temporary $ 4,503.70
Johnson, Elizabeth N WL - Black Cultural Cente Professional $ 53,884.52
Johnson, Eric G FW - TRIO Programs Temporary $ 1,117.50
Johnson, Eric S - Polytechnic New Alba Limited Term Lecture $ 3,796.02
Johnson, Eric C WL - Rad & Environ Mg M/P Management $ 76,393.92
Johnson, Ethan T WL - Student Life Professional $ 40,957.52

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Johnson, E WL - DBM Admin Service
Jenkins Bell, Margaret WL - CAPS facult
Clark, Rachel NC - Psychology Faculty
Whalen, Patrick WL - Vet Tech Student
Pena, Alan WL - Forestry Post Doc
Asbury, Jennifer WL - History Clerical
Ridgway, WL - Naval Science Operations/Technical
Chen, Da FW - Engineering Temporary A/P
Sennott Winchester, WL - ELRC Admin/Prof
Schmierer, Jeffrey WL - ADDL Mgmt/Prof
Shivanand, NC - Chemistry Continuing Lecturer

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