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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Stayer, Donna L WL - Financial Aid Support $ 31,581.11

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Stayer, Donna WL - Civil Engr Admin/Prof
Morgan, Allison WL - WL CQ Housing Non-exempt Prof
Pena, WL - 4Ag Econ Faculty
Zwicky, David CAL - School of Mgmt Dept Student
Morgan, Allison FW - Career Services Temporary
Bollock, Daniel WL - BIRS ROCHE Mgmt/Prof
Eugster, Patrick WL - Materials Engineerin Post doc
Esposito, Lindsay NC - Maintenance Fellowship Pre Doc
Weisenberger, Emily CAL - 1CollegeofED Operations/Technical
Stewart, Jane CAL - 1AdvisingCtr Clerical
Sharp, Nathan WL - Field Extension Service

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