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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Ball, Diane D WL - Intercollegiate Athl Temporary Cler/Serv $ 3,251.26

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Hamm, Kathryn WL - Education Res Admin/Prof
Ball, Diane WL - Biomedical Engineeri Post Doc
Hunt, Martin WL - Purdue Center for Ca Student
Sandel, WL - Ofc of Grad Programs Temporary Cler/Serv
Hamm, WL - Ctr for Environmenta Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Morales, WL - Ctr for Environmenta Post Doc Intern Res
Pazera, Christa WL - Ctr for Environmenta Faculty
Decker, Nancy WL - Agriculture Informat Clin Res or NonTT
Pazera, WL - Intercollegiate Athl Mgmt/Prof
Minnich, Gloria cal Support
Min, Byung-Cheol WL - Field Extension Operations/Technical

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