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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Molina, Deyanira y NC - Cal Building Service Service $ 6,816.63

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Molina, Deyanira WL - Research Limited Term Lecture
Brohm, WL - PUSH Fire/Police BW Sal
Ford, Bradley WL - Academic Affairs Admin/Prof
Kaplan, Ian WL - Boiler Gold Rush Temporary
Shang, Lizhi WL - Research Fellowship Pre Doc
DeLay, Faith WL - Political Science facult
May, Cheven WL - Tennis Operations Visiting Faculty
Guy, Cindy NC - Chemistry Limited Term Lect
Hayes, Corey WL - Entomology Service
Reid, Philip WL - Global Eng Programs Student
Kim, Ji Soo NC - College of Business Faculty

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