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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Jordan, Debra E WL - CAPS Support $ 36,344.77

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Jordan, Debra FW - Geosciences Clerical
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Stevens, Rodney FW - Geosciences facult
Johnson, Hannah FW - Comptroller Temporary
Efendy, Eddy FW - Development Student
Butchko, Lori WL - Operations Mgmt/Prof
Ghinita, FW - Geosciences Admin/Prof
Anand, Aditi FW - Ceremonies Fire/Police BW Sal
Jones, Tyler WL - Comptroller Police Hourly
Rossmann, FW - Geosciences faculty
Roth, Fumie WL - Comptroller Post Doc

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