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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Siciliano, Deborah F WL - Business Ofc Support Mgmt/Prof $ 62,419.32

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Siciliano, Deborah FW - Project Management Admin/Prof
Hazbun, Tony WL - 4UR/ResLife Professional
Speaker, Thomas FW - Dental Education Clerical
Tedeski, John NC - Development Office Operations/Technical
Hill, Christine CAL - Ofc of Mrktg Faculty
Tompkins, NC - Heating and Power Service
Struss, Eric CAL - 1Athletics Temporary A/P
Thomas, Cheri WL - Ofc of Grad Admissio Student
McHenry, WL - Biological Sciences Fire/Police Mgmt
Dixon, Cheryl WL - 4PolyNewAlb Fire/Police BW Sal
Ivantysynova, Monika WL - MRI Center Recharge Mgmt/Prof

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