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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
King, Deborah S WL - Procurement Services Clerical $ 30,240.00

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
King, Deborah WL - Woodland Management Limited Term Lect
Mull, Dennis WL - Research Machine Ser Service
Goad, James WL - Enrollment Mgmt Mgmt/Prof
Schmierer, FW - Engineering and Techno Temporary
McQueary, Ashley FW - College of Education Professional
Huntoon, Cynthia WL - Physics Admin/Prof
An, Jiangshan CAL - Behavioral Sciences Operations/Technical
Kriauciunas, Aldas CAL - Enterprise Systems Faculty
Page, Michael WL - 4IT Cust Rel Continuing Lecturer
Storms, Brandon WL - Human Development an Clerical
Whitaker, Travis WL - Purdue Conferences Student

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