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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Blackburn, Dean E NC - VC Finance & Adm Service $ 9,500.00

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Blackburn, Dean NC - Student Counseling Limited Term Lect
Garcia, Janet NC - Admissions Admin/Prof
Fox, Edward WL - Accounting Services Temporary
Patt, Michaela FW - Dental Education Graduate Student
Crosby, Nicholas NC - Heating and Power Fire/Police Mgmt
Walton, Whitney NC - Development Office Fire/Police BW Sal
Castellana, CAL - 1CollegeofED Fire/Police Admin
Ruiz, Suzanne WL - Tarkington Residence Faculty
Son, WL - Honors College Clerical
Boudreau, CAL - Ofc of Mrktg Continuing Lecturer
Trapp, Amy CAL - Graduate School Adm Clin Res or NonTT

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