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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Scott, Daniel T WL - Purdue Memorial Unio Service $ 36,762.19

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Scott, Daniel WL - Building Services - Student
Fisch, Adrianne FW - Human Services Admin/Prof
Soule, Tanya WL - Business Opportunity Mgmt/Prof
Dixon, Jameson CAL - 1MarketComm Operations/Technical
Childers, Randy WL - IL-IN Sea Grant Coll Temporary Cler/Serv
Tsoukalas, Lefteri WL - Accounting Services faculty
Dionne, Richard WL - Central Supply facult
Jones, Kirk WL - Lab/Renewable Res En Temporary
McConnell, John WL - The Education Store Service
Pairitz, WL - Global Policy Resear Limited Term Lect
Skaggs, Denise FW - Institutional Resear Clerical

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