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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Forsyth, Dale M WL - Animal Sciences Faculty $ 92,385.36

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Forsyth, Dale CAL - Math Stat Continuing Lecturer
Witt, Pamela WL - Office of Government Operations/Technical
Kaliman, Ilya WL - Academic Student Ser Student
Miller, Bridget CAL - Admissions Service
Dewey, Curtis WL - 4ConsSci faculty
Brown, Jasmine WL - 4PPRI Admin/Prof
Raley, Steven WL - 4Comp Sci Temporary Cler/Serv
Crunk, Doreen CAL - College of Nursing Temporary
Maliyakkal, Dini+Davis CAL - 1Chem Physic M/P Management
Rubin, Daniel WL - CISTAR Limited Term Lect
Tedeski, John WL - Chemistry Mgmt/Prof

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