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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Cole, Cynthia A WL - Nutrition Science Service $ 18,257.33

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Cole, Cynthia WL - IT Customer Relation Fire/Police Mgmt
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Dixon, Guy WL - 4HealthandKin Non-exempt Prof
Eichmiller, Andrew WL - Intercollegiate Athl Graduate Student
Pearson, Steve FW - English and Linguist Police Hourly
Finch, Jeremy WL - Basic Medical Scienc Temporary A/P
Cobb, Joseph WL - IL-IN Sea Grant Coll Admin/Prof
Frantz, James WL - Northeast - Purdue A Mgmt/Prof
Oechsle, CAL - 1DeanStud Professional
Weiner, FW - Ceremonies Intern
Velasquez, Sherry FW - Ceremonies Support

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