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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Sharp, Corey A WL - Anderson Statewide T Mgmt/Prof $ 25,927.95

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Sharp, Corey WL - 4ParkFacWL Admin/Prof
Padgett, WL - Computer Science Fire/Police BW Sal
Bauman, Joanne WL - Industrial Engineeri facult
Causey, Ella Angelique WL - 4Wind Dining Mgmt/Prof
Mellon, WL - The Pharmacy - P U Temporary
Anderson, Janet FW - FW Dean of Students Operations/Technical
Nierman, WL - Athletics Facilities Service
Watts, Val WL - Bioinformatics Core Limited Term Lect
Layman, CAL - 1Maint Fire/Police Mgmt
Kavanaugh, WL - Student Orgs Admin Temporary Cler/Serv
Bozic, FW - Visual Clinical/Research

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