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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Riddle, Connie V WL - 4ActvOrgPMU Clerical $ 10,649.20

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Okuniewski, Maria WL - Div of Construction Service
Pratt, CAL - 1Comm and Crea Admin/Prof
Felluga, Dino CAL - 1FacandCapProj faculty
Flory, Wendy CAL - Career Services Clerical
Aguiar, Angel CAL - Counseling Ctr Limited Term Lect
Tinnel, CAL - Duplicating Ctr Mgmt/Prof
Corong, Erwin CAL - Human Resources Clinical/Research
Batta, Ginger CAL - Nursing Masters Operations/Technical
Bottiglio, Alexander CAL - PoliSci/Econ/WL Graduate Student

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