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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Shi, Conger WL - 4HTM Food Sv Temporary Cler/Serv $ 3,333.28

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Shi, Conger WL - Medical Education Faculty
Larrison, WL - Medical Education Limited Term Lect
Michael, Peggy WL - Medical Education facult
Helie, WL - Medical Education Admin/Prof
Padgett, WL - Accounting Srvcs Temporary
Stanchfield, James WL - IT Teaching and Learni Clerical
Ditto, Bethany WL - IT Teaching and Learni Graduate Student
Glotzbach, Janet WL - IT Teaching and Learni Mgmt/Prof
Maahs, Michael FW - Special Events Operations/Technical
Mich, Claudia FW - Special Events Student
Zywicki, Craig FW - Special Events Service

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