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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Jones, Christopher B WL - IT Customer Relation Service $ 41,564.11

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Jones, Christopher WL - Promotions/Marketing Visiting Fac/Emeriti
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Roberts, Lindsay CAL - 1ACE Limited Term Lect
Bhadra, Anindya WL - Parent Admin/Prof
Sedlmeyer, Robert WL - Medicinal Chem/Molec Operations/Technical
Rickerson, Rick WL - Heat and Power Adminis Post Doc Intern Res
Strickler, Nancy WL - Medical Education Service
Cagle, Lindsey CAL - 1ColBusiness Mgmt/Prof
Kersey High, Suzan WL - Forestry Clerical
Fields, Jeneen WL - Vice President for H Faculty
Duncan, Jeffrey NC - 3NursingandHS M/P Professional

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