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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Gootee, Christopher W CAL - University Police D Temporary Cler/Serv $ 197.50

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Ramirez, Jose FW - A Post doc
Pires dos Santos, Andrea WL - 4Civil Eng Mgmt/Prof
Marti, William CAL - Campus Planning Continuing Lecturer
Grote, CAL - Constuct Sci facult
Mohandespour, Fereydun WL - Electrical Temporary
Gyore, CAL - Purdue Calumet Wate Non-exempt Prof
Magallanes, Hermelinda WL - Mechanical Engineeri Police Hourly
Stirm, Taylor WL - Electrical and Compute Faculty
Warfield, Jacqueline WL - Heat and Power Adminis Visiting Fac/Emeriti

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