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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Barclay, Christopher D WL - Men's Football Professional $ 277,331.50

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Barclay, Christopher WL - 4ConsSci Post Doc
Rohling, WL - Office of The Indian Temporary
Jordan, Debra WL - Asset Management Admin/Prof
Cuesta, Carolina CAL - Intercollegiate Ath Service
Cosier, Richard WL - 4Fire Dept Clerical
Bauer, Anna WL - 4Bus Ofc Lib Intern
Dixon, Devon WL - 4 Laf Stwd Police Hourly
Goodwin, Ella WL - Computer Science Limited Term Lecture
Kozlowski, Ronald NC - Heating and Power faculty
Sandell, Ryan WL - Tarkington Residence Clinical/Research
Laguire, Frances WL - Entomology Limited Term Lect

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