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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
LaBelle, Catherine S WL - 4Coll of LA Admin/Prof $ 19,655.49

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
LaBelle, Catherine WL - College of Technolog Post Doc Intern Res
May, Julia WL - 4Earhart Admin/Prof
Synesael, Jeffrey WL - Office of Marketing facult
Vaziri Bozorg, Seyedeh Hoda - Polytechnic Kokomo Student
Downey, Laura NC - Student Services Operations/Technical
Zeigler, Laura WL - Operations faculty
Deng, Zhiwen WL - Physical Facilities- Mgmt/Prof
Held, Kimberley FW - Student Life Professional
Olmo, Christopher WL - 4Stu Hlth Ct Limited Term Lect
Siler, NC - Registrar Fire/Police BW Sal
Laporte, Alexandra WL - 4Police Dept Service

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