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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Jones, Bruce A WL - First Street Towers Service $ 50,446.92

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Jones, Bruce WL - Chemistry facult
bower, barbara WL - Dean of Students Admin/Prof
Deng, Meng WL - Department of Manage Faculty
Phelps, Leroy WL - Utility Engineering Limited Term Lect
Hunt, Martin WL - Science Diversity Post doc
Leon, WL - English Graduate Student
Liu, Quanying WL - Engineering Educatio Temporary Cler/Serv
Whitford, Fred FW - Small Business Devel M/P Professional
Pell, Jeffery FW - Visual and Performing Service
Mao, Gloria WL - 4ConsSci Temporary
Mancing, Howard NC - Financial Aid Professional

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