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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Scheib, Brian R WL - Operations and Mainten Service $ 34,144.48

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Scheib, Brian CAL - Purdue Calumet Wate Admin/Prof
Lottes, Aaron WL - EAPS Graduate Student
Nielsen, Robert WL - Horticulture and Lan Temporary Cler/Serv
George, Steve WL - 4Management Limited Term Lect
Wilson, Erica WL - Computer Science Clerical
Morris, Gwendolyn WL - PUSH Mgmt/Prof
Reeves, Richard CAL - Central Heating and C Faculty
Suson, Daniel WL - Forestry and Natural Post Doc Intern Res
Krycak, Romana WL - O Continuing Lecturer
McManus, Andrew WL - Boiler Television Operations/Technical
Rusk, CAL - 1Admis/Rec Clin Res or NonTT

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