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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Lerner, Brenda R WL - Hort/Landscape Archi M/P Professional $ 93,951.72

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Lerner, Brenda WL - Engineering Educatio Clerical
Milkoreit, Manjana WL - WL Owen Housing Student
Bofferding, Laura WL - 4WIEP facult
Mosakowski, Elaine WL - Human Development an Admin/Prof
Schmalzried, Lisa WL - The Pharmacy - P U Continuing Lecturer
Harrison, Clifford WL - 4Nuclear Eng Service
Koslowski, Marisol WL - Civil Engr Operations/Technical
Vaught, Vicki CAL - 1PubSafety Faculty
Fathizadeh, Masoud FW - Engineering Temporary Cler/Serv
Murgia, Maria CAL - Engineering Technol Temporary
Linabary, Jasmine WL - Communications Limited Term Lect

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