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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Fisher, Brenda K WL - College of Health an Operations/Technical $ 43,614.28

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Fisher, Brenda FW - CELT Admin/Prof
Horn, Samantha FW - 2VC Financia Clerical
Mason, Simone FW - 2VC Financia Clinical/Research
Hare, Steven FW - 2Intl Lang Faculty
Yater, Zachary FW - Anthropology Service
Adler, Vanessa WL - WL HILL Housing Graduate Student
Akdere, Mesut FW - 2Athletics Limited Term Lect
Dauson, Keith FW - 2OfCommMrk M/P Management
Creech, Brett FW - Baseball Mgmt/Prof
Shay, Robin WL - English Post Doc Intern Res
Ford, Amanda WL - ProSTAR TLI Leadersh Operations/Technical

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