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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Lang, Barney F WL - Building Services - Service $ 10,499.61

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Lang, Barney NC - Biological Sciences Admin/Prof
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Halsema, Beth WL - Student Orgs Admin Service
Wu, Yue WL - Compar Pathobiology Student
Sheng, Chenguang WL - Tarkington Residence Post Doc Intern Res
Zhao, Lan CAL - Purdue Calumet Wate Operations/Technical
Oliver, Caroline WL - Ctr for Environmenta faculty
Vandeventer, Lisa CAL - Purchasing and Gene Continuing Lecturer
He, Juan WL - Accounting Services Clerical
Zhou, Bing CAL - Graduate School Adm Temporary
Way, Elijah WL - Honors College Limited Term Lecture

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