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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Malone, Ashley M FW - 2SpecialEvnt Service $ 34,704.57

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Malone, Ashley WL - Office of Marketing Mgmt/Prof
Cook, Joanna WL - 4Chemical En Admin/Prof
Sejpal, Kinnari WL - Department of Manage Service
Moell, Mary WL - Office of Marketing Graduate Student
Dixon, Jameson CAL - 1OffFinAid Limited Term Lect
Hartman, Sandra WL - College of Science A Non Pay
Johnson, Sandra WL - Department of Manage Post doc
Cooky, WL - Division of Recreati Faculty
Joseph, Kathryn WL - Earhart Residence Ha Student
Ebert, David WL - Veterinary Medical T Fire/Police BW Sal
Snuggs, WL - Department of Pharma Fire/Police Admin

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