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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Anderson, Arthur E WL - Building Services Service $ 22,086.30

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Anderson, Arthur WL - 4Comp Grph Student
McGraw, Tim NC - Chancellor facult
Devinney, Michele CAL - Chancellor Faculty
Gray, Colin CAL - Chancellor Clerical
Miller, Craig CAL - Equity/Diversity Ad Service
Mueller, Amy CAL - Equity/Diversity Ad Limited Term Lecture
Rasche, Nancy NC - Human Resources Admin/Prof
Vaughn, Eunice NC - Human Resources Operations/Technical
Kou, Yubo NC - Human Resources Temporary A/P
Pool, Marcia WL - 4PSC Mgmt/Prof
Tan, Shelly CAL - Chancellor Post Doc

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