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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Lara, Antonio NC - Biological Sciences Limited Term Lect $ 6,320.17

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Lara, Antonio WL - 4Envr/Eco En Admin/Prof
Chen, Chao FW - Medical Education facult
Combs, Steven FW - Medical Education Temporary
Heckaman, FW - Medical Education Faculty
Reyes, Nancy FW - Medical Education Limited Term Lect
Palmer, June FW - Medical Education Student
Puaca, Michael FW - Medical Education Post Doc Intern Res
Nichols, WL - Undergrad Educ Visiting Faculty
Nimtz, Nancy WL - 4Polytechnic Service
Chapman, Paul FW - Fine Arts Continuing Lecturer
Niepokuj, WL - OBHR M/P Management

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