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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Goad, Antonia WL - Building Services - Service $ 17,120.39

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Goad, Antonia WL - ADDL facult
Ramos, Antonio NC - Chemistry Clerical
Zoltowski, WL - Operations Operations/Technical
Fitch, John WL - Engagement Temporary A/P
Aime, WL - ECN Admin/Prof
Oliver, Kevin WL - CoLA Admin faculty
Weast, Taylor WL - Academic 1 Mgmt/Prof
Sandell, Ryan WL - TAP/MEP Student
Ross, Garrett WL - 4Wind Dining Continuing Lecturer
Anderson, WL - OBHR Temporary
Slone, Donna WL - CoS Admin Post Doc

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