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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Livschiz, Ann FW - History Faculty $ 84,021.17

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Livschiz, Ann WL - Human Development an Faculty
Eckhardt, Christopher WL - Sponsored Program Se Resident
Downey, FW - Softball Mgmt/Prof
Snyder, Jill WL - History Residence Hall Couns
Krousgrill, Charles CAL - Bursar Operations/Technical
Lister, Matthew WL - Materials Mgmt Police Hourly
Tate, David FW - Computer Science Intern
Blumenthal, Elliott WL - Purdue University St Post Doc
West, Terry CAL - Campus Planning Management
Bodine, Gerald WL - Purdue Bound Limited Term Lecture
Baunach, Carol WL - Electrical and Compute Clerical

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