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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Smith, Alice E WL - Field Extension Educ Admin/Prof $ 28,904.16

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Smith, Alice FW - Engineering and Techno facult
Boltz, Kayla FW - Radiological and Envir Admin/Prof
Bowman, Vincent WL - Woodland Management Faculty
Mullet, Aaron WL - Research Machine Ser M/P Management
Garrow, Tessa WL - Enrollment Mgmt Limited Term Lect
Brothers, Katie NC - Community Relations Mgmt/Prof
Roth, Dawn NC - Education Temporary Cler/Serv
Ramsey, Christopher CAL - 1NCEnrMgmt Post Doc Intern Res
Wodicka, George WL - Industrial and Physi Graduate Student
Bauer, Anna FW - Office Diversity and M Temporary
Sage, Charles WL - Central Staff Benefi Service

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