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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Lagoutchev, Alexei S WL - Birck Nanotechnology M/P Professional $ 87,641.24

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Lagoutchev, Alexei WL - Enrollment Mgmt Limited Term Lect
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Dooley, Frank WL - Research Machine Ser Mgmt/Prof
Bobkowski, Kari CAL - 1CollNursing Temporary
Day, Faithe FW - Engineering and Techno Professional
Couts, Sterling CAL - General Stores Oper Admin/Prof
Hammac, Warren CAL - 1OffStudLife Operations/Technical
Desai, WL - Woodland Management Faculty
Gull, Charles FW - College of Education Continuing Lecturer
Dunn, Tamera WL - Physics Clerical
Watson, Bryttani CAL - Behavioral Sciences Student

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