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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Moseson, Alexander J WL - Global Engineering P Mgmt/Prof $ 132,418.76

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Moseson, Alexander WL - 4HonorsEngr Faculty
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Knochel, Barbara FW - Dept of Comp Elec and Clerical
Stephens, WL - Laboratory of Renewa Student
Detzner, Timothy WL - Laboratory of Renewa Graduate Student
Hicks, Laekin WL - Laboratory of Renewa Temporary Cler/Serv
Lambirth, Harold WL - Laboratory of Renewa Limited Term Lecture
Altevogt, WL - Laboratory of Renewa M/P Management
Woolard, Jeffrey WL - Laboratory of Renewa facult
Adams, Linda WL - Kokomo Statewide Tec Admin/Prof
Rosales, Frank WL - Office of Profession Operations/Technical

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