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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Togbe, Alain S CAL - 1MathStatCS Faculty $ 102,985.18

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
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Togbe, Alain FW - 2Arts and Scie Admin/Prof
Allison, CAL - Business Managers Temporary Cler/Serv
Walls, Elwood CAL - 1EMSARepOpin faculty
Cruz, Christian CAL - Central Heat-Cool Temporary
Weller, Jennifer WL - Industrial and Physi Limited Term Lect
Ramirez, Karen WL - Sociology Department facult
Beagle, Janet WL - Enrollment Mgmt Service
Fredrick, Blix FW - Engineering and Techno Mgmt/Prof
Cadwell, Bridget WL - Woodland Management Professional
Smalls, Morgan WL - Security Operations/Technical
Burke, Adrean WL - Research Machine Ser Continuing Lecturer

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