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Purdue University Salaries
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Baxmeyer, Adam W WL - 4Airport Ope Mgmt/Prof $ 16,397.01

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Baxmeyer, Adam CAL - 1Athletics Admin/Prof
Williams, Jana WL - Ofc of Grad Admissio Professional
Jordan, G WL - Biological Sciences Clerical
Irazoqui, Pedro WL - 4PolyNewAlb Operations/Technical
Barnes, Leslie WL - MRI Center Recharge Faculty
Geisler, WL - EM Analysis Service
Schill, FW - Continuing Studies Temporary A/P
Golden, Barbara WL - Honors College Student
Stiles, NC - Education Fire/Police Mgmt
Schoen, Ryan WL - Ground Recharge Oper Fire/Police BW Sal
Eldridge, FW - Dental Education Mgmt/Prof

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